Monday, December 1, 2008

Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles are not brothers

Looking at the results of my last poll ("Which Blues Brother is the fattest?"), two thoughts are in my mind:

First, that it was a wonderful April Fools Day Year joke to play on all my readers, because the joke is to be on you: Jake Belushi and Elwood Aykroyd are not really brothers! They are actors who pretend to be brothers (unlike myself and my own brother Sanjay). That, and Aretha Franklin has ceased living, and therefore losing weight. This tricky poll was impregnated with irony! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Secondly, that turnout at my polling place was overwhelmingly astounding, with a record TEN voters casting ballots in a closely-watched race. I am not knowing who you anonymous voters are, but I wish you all a very hearty thank you for taking of time to click on a button under a photo of creamed spinach. May the voting turnout for all my polls continue to be as voluminous as the last was, and may Lakshmi bestow blessings upon you!

And here are the results: 4 voters thought Jake Belushi was fattest, 1 voter thought Elwood Aykroyd was fattest, and in the majority were 5 voters who thought Aretha Franklin was fattest. Ray Charles received zero votes, which is strange, since he couldn't even stand up to shake his tailfeather.