Friday, February 15, 2008

Things people would rather have than money

British taxidermist and sometimes artist Damien Hirst created this platinum-cast, diamond-encrusted skull to be shown at a London jewelry museum. Hirst claims that the piece was sold for £50 million (US $100m) to an anonymous customer.

What the bloody hell do you want to have a diamond skull instead of ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS??!! Wouldn't you rather have:

• A new garage door opener?
• A pair of snow boots?
• A frying pan with built-in AM/FM radio?
• A hot tub on the roof filled with champagne and goldfish and buxom concubines holding clean linens for you??

There are things that some people would rather have than money, and I just do not understand…

1 comment:

Big Blog said...

Crackwhore BJ...$10

Massage Parlour Sucky Sucky...$100

Escort Service Skullfuck...$1000

Most Expensive Head Ever...$100,000,000

The amount of time I took to respond to this post...Priceless