Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ayn Rand-McNally: World Atlas Shrugged

My brother Sanjay bought this book from a street vendor. I do not understand the title, but this volume has great pictures of locomotives and copper mines, as well as some interesting maps of a place called Galt's Gulch. It's a heavy book, and over 1,000 pages, but it's mostly gibberish and impenetrable at that.


Anonymous said...

Ayn Rand was a stalwart proclaimer of freedom and liberty. That book has changed many people's paradigm on government. Don't dismiss it so lightly.

Mr. Lamb Saag said...

Mr. Anonymous, who is Ayn Rand? Are they related to the company that published this fictitious world atlas? Does this Ayn Rand know how to recognize a pun?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Wow- what an ignorant post...Atlas Shrugged is one of the greatest books ever written....read it and you might learn something.