Saturday, January 5, 2008

Koogle Peanut Butter

Raise your hand if you remember Koogle Peanut Butter.

If you are older than 30, but a week younger than 50, you may recall childhood memories of your mother stocking the pantry shelf with those squat little jars of artificially-flavored peanut butter. It came in enticing flavors like Banana, Cinnamon, Chocolate, and there was one other flavor and I cannot recall what it was but I seem to think my grandmother stirred it into her curry recipes and we ate it on naan…

The mascot was a hairy blob with eyes, and he had a voice like the Kool-Aid Man. His catchphrase was "Koogle: With the Koo-Goo-Googly Eyes." Is your hand going up now?

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